domingo, 4 de noviembre de 2007


Zaila da festa hau beraientzat zer den esplikatzea. Komertzialki boom bat da ta Irailetik behintzat bonbardeo konstante bat dao Halloween-ei buruz. Dekoratiboak Urri erdialdean hasten dira eta kalabazak eta hilerri antzekoak edozein etxen frenten daude.

Bestela aste bat lenao prestaketa, Brendan-en etxen elkartu ginen Kalabaza festa baten. Kalabazak 31erako prest egon behar dira eta asmo horrekin han azaldu nitzan. Egia esan, kalabaza garbitu ta figurita itea matada bat da baina bueno in genun. Cerbezak ez ziran falta bere etxean ezta pizzak ere.

Kalabazak bukatu ondoren, kandela barrun jarri eta kalean erakusketa eta txapelketa.

Festa, nere festa 27an izan zan, bakizue lanen nabil asike... aurreko Larunbata aprobetxau behar zan, etxe baten pastel originalak ta edaria ezin zan falta. Hori bai garrantzitsuena mozorroa... (argazkiak begiratu). Parranda polita.

-----------------------English Version------------------------------------

For those who are not formm the US, It´s difficult to explain what is Halloween for them. Everything starts 2 months before, all the supermarkets full of pumpkins and candy packs for children. the decoratives starts in the beggining of October and you can see everywear a graveyard or something kind of scary in the entrance of the houses.

But at least for me the "real" halloween started one week before. I was in a work friend house preparing my own pumpkin and drinking beer. It was funny, just because of the beer... After we put a candle inside and the competition of the best pumpkin start. I don´t remember who was the winner anyways you can look the pictures and judge.

After that, I spent all the week thinking about my costume. I didn´t have any good idea so finally I was cutting my hair and wearing something, but it was fun. The party was good (It was on the 27th Saturday) no possibility to celebrate the party in the real one (you know I am working...). It was fun.