domingo, 4 de noviembre de 2007


Zaila da festa hau beraientzat zer den esplikatzea. Komertzialki boom bat da ta Irailetik behintzat bonbardeo konstante bat dao Halloween-ei buruz. Dekoratiboak Urri erdialdean hasten dira eta kalabazak eta hilerri antzekoak edozein etxen frenten daude.

Bestela aste bat lenao prestaketa, Brendan-en etxen elkartu ginen Kalabaza festa baten. Kalabazak 31erako prest egon behar dira eta asmo horrekin han azaldu nitzan. Egia esan, kalabaza garbitu ta figurita itea matada bat da baina bueno in genun. Cerbezak ez ziran falta bere etxean ezta pizzak ere.

Kalabazak bukatu ondoren, kandela barrun jarri eta kalean erakusketa eta txapelketa.

Festa, nere festa 27an izan zan, bakizue lanen nabil asike... aurreko Larunbata aprobetxau behar zan, etxe baten pastel originalak ta edaria ezin zan falta. Hori bai garrantzitsuena mozorroa... (argazkiak begiratu). Parranda polita.

-----------------------English Version------------------------------------

For those who are not formm the US, It´s difficult to explain what is Halloween for them. Everything starts 2 months before, all the supermarkets full of pumpkins and candy packs for children. the decoratives starts in the beggining of October and you can see everywear a graveyard or something kind of scary in the entrance of the houses.

But at least for me the "real" halloween started one week before. I was in a work friend house preparing my own pumpkin and drinking beer. It was funny, just because of the beer... After we put a candle inside and the competition of the best pumpkin start. I don´t remember who was the winner anyways you can look the pictures and judge.

After that, I spent all the week thinking about my costume. I didn´t have any good idea so finally I was cutting my hair and wearing something, but it was fun. The party was good (It was on the 27th Saturday) no possibility to celebrate the party in the real one (you know I am working...). It was fun.

martes, 23 de octubre de 2007

Parranda USAn-- The party in US

This new is dedicated to Patrice Genevet, mmy workmate in the spector lab during one month and a half. I know he loves this game.

Bada garaia nere parrandak nola doazen hemen pixkat esplikatzeko, egia esan, parranda ere ez da ze asuntoa asko jota 4tan bukatzen da ta alkohola 1.30 inguruan asike. Baina hala ere, azken aldian gende jatorra ezagutu det eta beraien etxean edaten jarraitu ahal izan det.

Bueno azken finean astebururik onena aste hau izan da dudarik gabe, labadora iten neon bitartean cerbeza bat edn nahian tabernara jun nitzan ta kriston plana atera zitzaidan, tabernako jabeak beraiekin jutera gonbidatu zidan... ta ala in nun. Gaua merke eta hurrengo egunean beraiekin egoteko gonbidapena jaso nun. Larunbat gaua, ROAD 34 tabernan Andreas Kapsalis Trio taldea musika oso arraroa jotzen baina oso entrenigarria, cerbeza batzuk hartu, hitzegin jende berria ezagutu (dantza izan ezik beste guztia) ta azkenen gaueko gauzarik onena, USAko kinitoa. "stam" edo holako zeoze deitzen diote ez dakit zehatz mehatz baina bueno bideoak ikusi (barkatu nere mozkorra, goizeko 2tan nere kamara ez da oso establea).

Jokuan reglak errazak dira.

- Mailua airera bota, buelta oso bat (minimo) eman ta ondoren bestearen hiltzea jo.
- Hiltzea jo ezkero, hiltzearen jabeak edaten du.
- Txispa atera ezkero, denak edaten dute.
- Mailua airera bota ta ondoren ez badezu hartzen hurrengo txandan ez dezu botatzen. Akatsarengatik edan in behar da.
- Gero tiro espezialak daude-> hoietariko batenbat iten badezu eta hiltzeren bat jo DENEK edaten dute.
- ...

Bideoak ondoren...

-----------------------ENGLISH VERSION-------------------------------

I think it is time to explain what is a party in the US or at least in Fort Collins. The party is not so long as at home, here the party is finished at 4 (if you are lucky) and you get your last glass of alcohol at 1.30. Anyways there is enough time to have fun with the guys I met last week.

My best weekend was this one in Fort Collins, I went to have a beer to the bar called ROAD 34 while I was doing my laundry and there I met the president of the bar. He invited me to go out drinking with them and of course I follow them. After this good night he invited me to go again in his bar and see the concert of Andreas Kapsalis TRIO. They were really good, so I had the chance to met new people, talk and listen good music. After the concert we went to a garage where they play a really funny drinking game. It´s called "stam" or something like that anyways is a drinking game and is fun. You can see the videos and the few pictures I take.

Rules of the game
- You have to throw the hammer in the air, flip it (at least once) and after hit the other nail. If you hit the other person nail he drinks.
- If you get a spark everybody drinks.
- If you throw the hammer in the air and you don´t get it, you dirnk and you don´t throw the hammer in the next round.
- There are tricky throws. If you hit the nail after one of those, everybody drinks.
- There are more rules but I don´t know all of them.
See videos




lunes, 8 de octubre de 2007

RAMS vs. Aztecs

Badakit denbora dexente pasa dela azkeneko aktualizaziotik hona baina hainbeste gauza dauzkat kontatzeko filtroa jarri ta zeoze aukeratu beharra daukadala. Horregatik ba egin ditudan gauza guztietatik amerikanoenarekin geratu beharko naiz eta abentura pertsonal honetatik gauza on ta txarrak argitu (ze alde txarrak ere badaude).

Bueno egia esan, USA (kirol asuntoan) = espektakuloa. Eta hala da, partidoa unibersidadeen arteko partidoaa da. Rams (Colorado State University) vs. Aztecs (San Diego University) nor baino nor antza denez okerragoa eta partidoa ustez oso txarra izan zen. Hala ere, Super Bowl-eko finala bailitzan (edo nei behintzat ala iruditu zitzaidan) ikaragarrizko animazioa. Partido aurretik "talegating" deritzon prolegomenoa, hau da parking-ean al den zerbeza gehien edan ta gero ta edanago hobe. Gendea kotxe ikaragarri handiekin... ta hantxe ni sofa ta bañu bero bat zuen kamioi baten ondoan (bai ur beroa zun bañera bat) ikaragarrizko musika ekipoakin (argazkian ikus daiteke). 3 zerbeza edan, bizikleta trailer handi baten aurren aparkatu ta partidora.

Partidora sartu ta ikaragarrizko banda kanpo erdin (akojonau), animazio bikaina (bideoa ez da ona) ta bueno partidoa hastear. Nere lehen sorpresa 56 jokalari ekipo bakoitzeko!!! Bakarrik 11k jokatzen dutenean. Dena den partidoa oso entretenigarria, asko gelditzen dute partidoa baina banda denbora guztian musika jotzen zeon ta cheerleaderrak dantzan ta atentzioa deitu nahian ere asike ezin aspertu. 3 ordu in nitun han. Azkenean Rams 20- San Diego 23.

I said I´m proud of being a CSU RAM (ta errepikatu)!!
Ta ez askoz gehio.

Partido bukaeran dator historia honetako zatirik onena. Nere bizikleta destrozatuta aurkitu nun aparkalekuan. (argazkik ikusi). bizikleta zakarrontzian dao dagoeneko ta grazia gutxi dena den, iada beste bizikleta bat utzi didate Fort Collins-en ibiltzeko asike ezin naiz kejatu ze estatu batuarrak oso ondo ari dira portatzen nerekin.

Argazkitan orain arte izan ditudan bizikleta guztik.

----------------------------English Version-----------------------------

Lot of things to write but I have to filter all of them and I will just tell about the most american thing I did here. It was a american football match here and It was good but not with a good ending.

First of all, US in terms of sport is just a spectacle (unbelievable). The match I was seeing in the stadium was between universities (second division in europe). Rams (local team) is teh Colorado State University team against Aztecs (San Diego university, I guess). The match was terrible, both or them were playing a bad football. Anywais I didn´t care because I didn´t understand too much. The surprising thing for me was teh animation they have before, during and after the match. The band (see pictures) was playing all the time music to entertain people. Before the match the popular talegating, everyone tries to get drink as much beer as possible. So I was there before the match I drunk 3 beers and I went to the Hughes stadium to see the match.

The match begun and my first surprise, 56 players for each team when they were just 11 of them playing in the field (unbelievable). The match finished and the RAMs lost so people was kind of ungry and they broke my bike (rigth now is in the trash, you can see pictures). Anywais, people around me are really nice and they let me another one to ride around Fort Collins so it´s ok now.

Songs they were singing in the stadium:

I said I´m proud of being a CSU RAM!! (repeat)
Not more.

My bike story is arge here in Fort collins so I show you all the bikes I have had until now.


Talegating famatua (partido aurretik)- The popular talegating (before the match)

Welcome to Hughes Stadium!!! Home of the RAMS!

Partidoko animazioa- The atmosphere before the match

Bakit ez dela bideorik onena baina hala ere musica pixkat entzun daiteke eta hango atmosfera ikusi.----------I know is not the best video but anyways, you cna hear the music and see how was the atmosphere in the match

56 jokalari!!!-56 players!!!
Touchdown (hau da beraiek ospatzeko duten modua) --Touchdown!!!! (this is the way they celebrate the touchdown)

Azken emaitza--Final Score

Nere lehen bizikleta (dagoneko kk inda)--My first (and destroyed bike)
Nere 2. bizikleta (ez galdetu zeba eon zan etxen)-- My second bike (don´t ask me why didi I have this one)


Nere 3. bizikleta ta bizikleta aktuala -- My third bike.

domingo, 23 de septiembre de 2007

Rocky Mountains

Bueno azkenean Rocky Mountains-ei bisita, etxetik kanpo in deten lehen irteera... 3 ordu kotxean ta bidai oso polita. Pena eguraldia ez zela oso ona izan Igandean eta 2 orduko paseoa alde batera utzi genula ta arrantza iteko plana ere, hala ere plan oso polita... Mendi plan bikaina!!! 3500 m. ra!!! Hurrengo astean horrelako plan bat montatuko det ziurrenik... asike argazki gehio jarriko ditut.

Argazkitan ikusi dezakezuen bezela, katagorriak, hartzak ta marmotak lasai asko gende arten. Honetaz gain mendi ederrak. Eskiatzeko gogoa sartu zait ta guzti (snow igual).

Argazkitan azaltzen den gendea: Sonia (Española), Francesco eta Barbara (Italianoak) eta Patrice (Frantsesa)

-----------------------------English version-------------------------------------

For those who are wondering about how the Rocky Mountains look like there they have the new. It is my first expedition out of Fort Collins 3 hours by car and it was unbelievable. I slept in a tent and I have a lot of fun. It was a pity that the weather was not good on Sunday so we weren´t able to go hiking to a lake and after fish some throats but anyways It was a great plan. I am thinking that next week I will organize another plan like that, hopefully the weather will be better.

Squirrel-s, elk-s, Bear-s and marmots and incredible landscapes. I am looking forward the snow after seeing that!! This year I want to ski.

The friends of the pictures are (Barbara and Francesco (Italians), Sonia (spanish), and Patrice (French)). It was funny!!

Etxetik atera ta beti hor daude zai--- They are always outside home waiting...

Ezkerretik eskubira: Barbara, Patrice, Francesco ta Sonia--
From left to rigth:

Nun dao marmota???--- Where is the marmot?


Barbacoa ona --- A big barbecue but no fish...

Kontuz hartzekin!!-- Be careful with the bears!! (watch out!!)

Ikaragarria- Awesome!!!

Nere lehenengo bilera serioa ---My first serious meeting

Ostiral goizeann meeting garrantzitsu bat zeola nere edifizioan banekien, jende garrantzitsua zihoala ere, eta Denash nere lankidearentzat marroi "txiki" bat zela ere banekien. Ez nitzan asko arduratu bilera honi buruz nerekin ez zihoalakoan baina... laborategira goizeko 8tan iritsi ta horra hor nere sorpresa. Matilda (nere jefearen secretaria) neregana txarteltxo honekin (argazkia beidatu) konferentzian gonbidatuta neon, momentuan apuro handia... gero lan ez egiteko eskusa bikaina bihurtu zen arren. Egun guztia txarla ezberdinak entzuten egon nitzan, nere jefa 2tan, Jeffersons Lab-eko tipa bat, Stanford unibertsitateko tipo bat ta mexikoko uni bateko beste irakasle bat baita US navyko inbersioen speech bat ere.

Nere jefan txarlak ulertzeko ez nun problemaik izan, hoi bai besteei ez nien putzik ulertu eta ez zan Inglesan kulpa izan, jakingabetasuna baizik. Baina bueno, gosaria ta bazkaria gratis lortu nitun (nere lehen bazkari amerikarra, nazka... ondo gelditzeagatik dena barrura maionesakin noski) ta afaria jefeen etxean zen baina iada gehiegikeria iruditzen zitzaidan asike etxera ta kitto.

Nere laborategia ikustera pasa ziren... ez zidaten galderarik in (a ze zortea nerea!!) ta yasta. Egun originala, haseran akojonoa baina bueno... gero pozik nere karteltxoa neramala bularren kolgauta.

-----------------------------------English Version----------------------

It was Friday morning when they invited me by surprise to a important meeting in my lab. I know that the people that was working with me was invited but I didn´t expect that I was invited until the secretary of my boss came to me with the "invitation card" (see the picture). In that moment I was nervous, important people of the field was there and for the moment my knowledge about Advanced Optical Coating is not enough but anyways I was invited so I spent all the day trying to understand the different conferences I received. There were people from Stanford Uni, Jefferson´s Lab, Mexican Uni and from the US Navy too!( I can´t believe it).

I was able to understand the conference of my boss but I didn´t get anything from the others, the only problem was the lack of knowledge. Anywais I get free breakfast and my first free American lunch (tha was disgusting) but I was in front of important people so I put maionese on it and I ate allmost everyhting. After the conference I was invited to have dinner with all of them in my boss house but that was too much so I decided not to go.

They didn´t ask me anything when they were visiting my lab so the day was perfect for me. I have fun!!

martes, 11 de septiembre de 2007

Etxean sarrera--- The entrance of my flat

Hemendik gutxira mugitu beharra izango detela uste deten arren nere etxeko sarrera erakutsi nahiko nizueke.

------ English version-----------

I think I will have to move in few days, because it´s too expensive for the Uni but this is the last picture I want to show you of my house.

Jefea azaltzen denean... - Be careful with the boss

Akojonantea!! Lana jeferik gabe stressantea bazan orain... Carmen azaldu da laborategitik (gure responsablea) ta denak lanen a saco daude. Ez dao deskansorako astirik ze bapaten zure laborategian telefonoak jo ta batenbatekin hitzegiteko deitzen dute eta ez nola nahi...

Nik bukatu beharreko proiiektua hilabete batean egin beharreko zeoze zan jefeen ikuspuntutik, gainera laser bat erabili beharrean bi erabiltzea nahi dute (ez da lan doblea baina lan gehiago bai), 5 hilabete daramatzate proiektuan 3 pertsonak a tope lan iten (3tako batek larunbat ta Igande lan iten ditu)ta oraindik ez dute aurrera atera. Jaisten diren bakoitzean gutxi jakin gabe (edo kasi ezer ez) beraien komentarioa botatzen dute, bi begirada bortitz langileei ta alde iten dute. Hola egun guztia laborategi batetik bestera.

Bazkalordua, 45 min. zirela esan dizuet, 45 min. jefeak ez zeundenean da, gaurkoan jatez bukatu det beti bezela hasita ta 15min. hitzegiten geratzeko asmoakin geratu nahiz gendeakin ea bateonbat ezagutzen deten ta... bapaten Carmen (gure jefa) atetik sartu da. Mahaian geunden 8tik 5ek gure jana bukatu degu, 4ak altxa egin dira momentu horretan bertan ta benga lanera, ebidentemente 5. ni nitzan ta jun in naiz noski. Baina cebau!! Jendeari jefa gaizki erortzen zaio, normal...

-----------English version------

That´s amazing, I was surprised because they work a lot while the boss wasn´t in the office but with the boss in the lab, the way people work it´s unbelivable!!! You don´t have time to relax and to talk with the one that is sitting next to you, she (the boss) can call you in any moment and ask you for the results of some research or what are you doing exactly at this moment. Crazy!!!

I am in a project that they estimate It will be finished in one month, they are 3 people working full time on it and after four months and a half they are not able to finish it, but that´s not because they are lazy, it´s just because they are discovering a lot of problems. And the boss is still ungry because they can´t finish it. She just comes to the lab, asks for the results, say something we can correct and she just runs away. Unbelievable!!

And the worst thing, we have to eat in 30 minutes, once you have finished you don´t have another 15 minutes to speak and have fun, once you have finished the food you have to go again to work...

jueves, 6 de septiembre de 2007

Fort Collins!!

Bueno gende askorekin hitzegin det eta denei hemengo bizitzan pintzelada ezberdinak eman dizkizuet. Orain gutxigora behera fort Collins zer den deskribatzeko unea iritsi dela uste det.

Fort collins Colorado estatuaren iparraldean kokaturik dagoen 100.000 biztanleko hiri ikaragarri handia da. Kale printzipal batetik bestera distantziak oso luzeak dira, kotxe edo bizikletarik gabe hiri hontan galduta zaude. Autobusak garestiak izateaz gain gutxi daude, taxiak 10 bat eta garestiak, asike kotxea edo bizikleta beste ezer ez.

Nere etxea, unibersitateko kanpusan ondoan dago kokatuta, (ondo ezta???) ba ez. Nik lan egiten deten laborategia 7 bat km. ra dago kokatua hirian kanpoaldean asike kanpus-ean behin eon naiz eta ez det uste berriro jungo naizenik. Kanpusa gertu daola diodanean 2 km. izango dira (distantziak ikaragarriak).

Downtown (alde zaharra) izango zena 3-4 bat km.ra. Hor omen dao asteburutan giroa, Larunbatean kontatuko dizuet baina dagoeneko 4-5 pertsonek komentatu didate ez emozionatzeko.

Lana: Lan egiteko asmoakin etorri nitzan... baina lan plana gehiegizkoa da. Jefeei Igandez lan egitea gustatuko litzaieke (Larunbata antza denez lan eguna da) eta eguneko ez dira 8 ordu izango, 9h ta 30 minutu baizik. Kotxerik ez daukat asike besteei itxoin behar handik alde iteko.

Lankideak: Argentinoak eta USAkoak. Tipo majoak oraindik ondo ezagutzeko ez det aukera izan baina gu baino zaharragoak dira (argentinoak behintzat) denak neskakin bizitzen daude ta dexente asentatuta daude. Hau da, Larunbatetan parranda gutxi.

--------------- English version-------------------------------------------

It´s time to describe a little bit the place where I am living.

The city is located in the north of Colorado. It has 100.000 people and the city is big (at least for me). The distance from one main street to the other are big. One mile between each!! So you need a bike or a car. The public service is a shit and the taxis too!!

My flat is very big for me. I have two rooms, one kitchen, living room and a little garden just for me and the best of all is that I don´t have to pay anything. But I have to clean a lot!!!! As I have two rooms I accept visitor´s (you are invited) whenever you want, for those who likes skying I am near the best mountains of the US!!

About the job, I am working for Colorado State University. I am working 9 hours a day and the boss want to see me working during Saturdays and Sundays too. (so no efficient thursday´s this time).

The workers that are working with me in the lab, they are all from Argentina or USA (except my boss that is French!!). So I can speak spanish allmost all the time but I can continue practising my english too. This is different from Lulea but everything is going well. Next satruday the first party we will see, I hope I won´t have work on Sunday.

I will attach some pictures of my flat soon!!

Sala, sukaldea eta sukaldean daon gelatxoa--Living room, kitchen and the little room of the kitchen

Beste gela, eskilarak eta komnuna -- The other room, stairs and the bathroom

Nere gela - My room

Ta garrantzitsuena... frigorifikoa eta kongeladorea--- The most important thing... the fridge and the freezer.