Bueno egun gutxi geratzen dira nere bizitzako abentura berri bat hasteko. Horregatik hasten det nere bizitzako 2. blog-a. USA-ra noa Colorado estatuko Fort Collins herrira, laborategi batean inbestigazioa itera, lan asko antza denez baina ilusioa galdu gabe. Argazkiak kolgatuko ditut, Colorado nolakoa den saiatuko naiz deskribitzen baita nere lana zer den esplikatzen ere eta igual festan bat edo besteko abenturak ere esplikatuko ditut zeba ez!!
Horregatik ongi etorri nere blog berri hontara. (nere Inglesa kritikatzea dao)
As I promise to someone ( I don´t remember exactly who) I will start my blog. For those that doesn´t know where I am going, I am travelling to Colorado (Fort Collins), I will be doing some research in a laboratory. I will attach the pictures, I will describe the life here and of course I will tell you about the parties too!!!
So, you´re invited to follow my adventures in this blog!!
lunes, 20 de agosto de 2007
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6 comentarios:
Ok dude, we'll do, so keep it updated. Not like the one before!!!
I'm also here. This blog is one of the ones in my google reader. So, I'm ready to read about you.
I am sure you will leave some comments in the blog!!!
Hi Joseba!
Nice blog. I'm waiting for more pics from the USA. Your english is perfect, don't worry!!
By the way, I've heard worse than calimucho: I've been told that you can find SPARKLING RED WINE in Italia... *beurk*
Bye, take care of you.
Bueno zdakigu komentariyuak hemen idatzi ber dian eo ze, baño vamos al atake!!!!!!
Begirale morriñakin daola emateu, asiq hementxe gatoz Irati ta ni(Naike) lata pixkat ematea.
Azkenaldin bota deun begirale farra bat komentatzea oso ondo eongo zan, baño ezida eon, si sq tus discursos marcan, ta ustet aurten piña kolada geala eee!!!!jejejeje!!!
Bueno etxea ikusi degu eta...aizu ez dao batere gaixki e!!!!!!!Pixukide faltan bazaude... deitu, jejejej!!!
Ta egia bada santo tomasetan hemen zaudela, apuntatu guri listan targo bat artzeko ee!!!!
Ale puessss, MUXU POTOLO BATTT!!!!!!
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