This new is dedicated to Patrice Genevet, mmy workmate in the spector lab during one month and a half. I know he loves this game.
Bada garaia nere parrandak nola doazen hemen pixkat esplikatzeko, egia esan, parranda ere ez da ze asuntoa asko jota 4tan bukatzen da ta alkohola 1.30 inguruan asike. Baina hala ere, azken aldian gende jatorra ezagutu det eta beraien etxean edaten jarraitu ahal izan det.
Bueno azken finean astebururik onena aste hau izan da dudarik gabe, labadora iten neon bitartean cerbeza bat edn nahian tabernara jun nitzan ta kriston plana atera zitzaidan, tabernako jabeak beraiekin jutera gonbidatu zidan... ta ala in nun. Gaua merke eta hurrengo egunean beraiekin egoteko gonbidapena jaso nun. Larunbat gaua, ROAD 34 tabernan Andreas Kapsalis Trio taldea musika oso arraroa jotzen baina oso entrenigarria, cerbeza batzuk hartu, hitzegin jende berria ezagutu (dantza izan ezik beste guztia) ta azkenen gaueko gauzarik onena, USAko kinitoa. "stam" edo holako zeoze deitzen diote ez dakit zehatz mehatz baina bueno bideoak ikusi (barkatu nere mozkorra, goizeko 2tan nere kamara ez da oso establea).
Jokuan reglak errazak dira.
- Mailua airera bota, buelta oso bat (minimo) eman ta ondoren bestearen hiltzea jo.
- Hiltzea jo ezkero, hiltzearen jabeak edaten du.
- Txispa atera ezkero, denak edaten dute.
- Mailua airera bota ta ondoren ez badezu hartzen hurrengo txandan ez dezu botatzen. Akatsarengatik edan in behar da.
- Gero tiro espezialak daude-> hoietariko batenbat iten badezu eta hiltzeren bat jo DENEK edaten dute.
- ...
Bideoak ondoren...
-----------------------ENGLISH VERSION-------------------------------
I think it is time to explain what is a party in the US or at least in Fort Collins. The party is not so long as at home, here the party is finished at 4 (if you are lucky) and you get your last glass of alcohol at 1.30. Anyways there is enough time to have fun with the guys I met last week.
My best weekend was this one in Fort Collins, I went to have a beer to the bar called ROAD 34 while I was doing my laundry and there I met the president of the bar. He invited me to go out drinking with them and of course I follow them. After this good night he invited me to go again in his bar and see the concert of Andreas Kapsalis TRIO. They were really good, so I had the chance to met new people, talk and listen good music. After the concert we went to a garage where they play a really funny drinking game. It´s called "stam" or something like that anyways is a drinking game and is fun. You can see the videos and the few pictures I take.
Rules of the game
- You have to throw the hammer in the air, flip it (at least once) and after hit the other nail. If you hit the other person nail he drinks.
- If you get a spark everybody drinks.
- If you throw the hammer in the air and you don´t get it, you dirnk and you don´t throw the hammer in the next round.
- There are tricky throws. If you hit the nail after one of those, everybody drinks.
- There are more rules but I don´t know all of them.
See videos
martes, 23 de octubre de 2007
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3 comentarios:
as i see, american have different skill than cyclism, athletism and basket ball! Do you have one video of your try? I want to see that!
Hey JJ, nice post and nice videos, but I hope you've learned the slight but important difference when using your camera for videos rather than for pics...apaisatura pasatzerik ez dezula alegiya!
Mila Esker ta ONDO IBILI!
nothing new in your blog since a while!! you're maybe working a little bit more since i left! good luck with the crazy!
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