lunes, 8 de octubre de 2007

RAMS vs. Aztecs

Badakit denbora dexente pasa dela azkeneko aktualizaziotik hona baina hainbeste gauza dauzkat kontatzeko filtroa jarri ta zeoze aukeratu beharra daukadala. Horregatik ba egin ditudan gauza guztietatik amerikanoenarekin geratu beharko naiz eta abentura pertsonal honetatik gauza on ta txarrak argitu (ze alde txarrak ere badaude).

Bueno egia esan, USA (kirol asuntoan) = espektakuloa. Eta hala da, partidoa unibersidadeen arteko partidoaa da. Rams (Colorado State University) vs. Aztecs (San Diego University) nor baino nor antza denez okerragoa eta partidoa ustez oso txarra izan zen. Hala ere, Super Bowl-eko finala bailitzan (edo nei behintzat ala iruditu zitzaidan) ikaragarrizko animazioa. Partido aurretik "talegating" deritzon prolegomenoa, hau da parking-ean al den zerbeza gehien edan ta gero ta edanago hobe. Gendea kotxe ikaragarri handiekin... ta hantxe ni sofa ta bañu bero bat zuen kamioi baten ondoan (bai ur beroa zun bañera bat) ikaragarrizko musika ekipoakin (argazkian ikus daiteke). 3 zerbeza edan, bizikleta trailer handi baten aurren aparkatu ta partidora.

Partidora sartu ta ikaragarrizko banda kanpo erdin (akojonau), animazio bikaina (bideoa ez da ona) ta bueno partidoa hastear. Nere lehen sorpresa 56 jokalari ekipo bakoitzeko!!! Bakarrik 11k jokatzen dutenean. Dena den partidoa oso entretenigarria, asko gelditzen dute partidoa baina banda denbora guztian musika jotzen zeon ta cheerleaderrak dantzan ta atentzioa deitu nahian ere asike ezin aspertu. 3 ordu in nitun han. Azkenean Rams 20- San Diego 23.

I said I´m proud of being a CSU RAM (ta errepikatu)!!
Ta ez askoz gehio.

Partido bukaeran dator historia honetako zatirik onena. Nere bizikleta destrozatuta aurkitu nun aparkalekuan. (argazkik ikusi). bizikleta zakarrontzian dao dagoeneko ta grazia gutxi dena den, iada beste bizikleta bat utzi didate Fort Collins-en ibiltzeko asike ezin naiz kejatu ze estatu batuarrak oso ondo ari dira portatzen nerekin.

Argazkitan orain arte izan ditudan bizikleta guztik.

----------------------------English Version-----------------------------

Lot of things to write but I have to filter all of them and I will just tell about the most american thing I did here. It was a american football match here and It was good but not with a good ending.

First of all, US in terms of sport is just a spectacle (unbelievable). The match I was seeing in the stadium was between universities (second division in europe). Rams (local team) is teh Colorado State University team against Aztecs (San Diego university, I guess). The match was terrible, both or them were playing a bad football. Anywais I didn´t care because I didn´t understand too much. The surprising thing for me was teh animation they have before, during and after the match. The band (see pictures) was playing all the time music to entertain people. Before the match the popular talegating, everyone tries to get drink as much beer as possible. So I was there before the match I drunk 3 beers and I went to the Hughes stadium to see the match.

The match begun and my first surprise, 56 players for each team when they were just 11 of them playing in the field (unbelievable). The match finished and the RAMs lost so people was kind of ungry and they broke my bike (rigth now is in the trash, you can see pictures). Anywais, people around me are really nice and they let me another one to ride around Fort Collins so it´s ok now.

Songs they were singing in the stadium:

I said I´m proud of being a CSU RAM!! (repeat)
Not more.

My bike story is arge here in Fort collins so I show you all the bikes I have had until now.


Talegating famatua (partido aurretik)- The popular talegating (before the match)

Welcome to Hughes Stadium!!! Home of the RAMS!

Partidoko animazioa- The atmosphere before the match

Bakit ez dela bideorik onena baina hala ere musica pixkat entzun daiteke eta hango atmosfera ikusi.----------I know is not the best video but anyways, you cna hear the music and see how was the atmosphere in the match

56 jokalari!!!-56 players!!!
Touchdown (hau da beraiek ospatzeko duten modua) --Touchdown!!!! (this is the way they celebrate the touchdown)

Azken emaitza--Final Score

Nere lehen bizikleta (dagoneko kk inda)--My first (and destroyed bike)
Nere 2. bizikleta (ez galdetu zeba eon zan etxen)-- My second bike (don´t ask me why didi I have this one)


Nere 3. bizikleta ta bizikleta aktuala -- My third bike.

5 comentarios:

Trojan Warrior dijo...

Desvalije polita egin zizuten, bai. Halere, "Vendetta" ezagutzeko aukera eman digu, ta ez da gutxi. Bizikleta hori ta bizarrarekin, nexkentzako abisu zuzena al da?

Carlos Tejo dijo...

Nice post. We wanna see the USA people drunk. Make a video the next time to listen the atmosphere.

Why do you have a second good bike?


Jon Joseba Yarza dijo...

Bizarra ez daukat, asike neskentzat abisurik ez

Jon Joseba Yarza dijo...

Tejo: I will take the video don´t worry. I don´t have this bike anymore. They let me this bike because they stole my first one.

Anónimo dijo...

Hi joseba
I m glad you have fun in Colorado!
Hopefully you won't have anymore problems with your bikes. Thank you for the pictures and the video of the football match. It sounds even better than an ice hockey match.

xxx flo (your favourite Belgian Girl)