martes, 11 de septiembre de 2007

Etxean sarrera--- The entrance of my flat

Hemendik gutxira mugitu beharra izango detela uste deten arren nere etxeko sarrera erakutsi nahiko nizueke.

------ English version-----------

I think I will have to move in few days, because it´s too expensive for the Uni but this is the last picture I want to show you of my house.

4 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Pero toda la casa era tuya?? Podrias haber alkilao unas habitaciones y te sacabas unos pavos... Oye, q significa "5. ni nitzan ta jun in naiz noski" esq en la version anglosajona no explicas tantos detalles. X cierto, alguna farra ya? Venga, ondo pasa!

Unknown dijo...

Zemuz zaude!
Nun daude neskak?!

eheh I hope you're doing well. I'm jalous of your travel in the States. I wish you lot of fun there!

Do you think that you're going to see Miker?

For me, I'm working in the south of France and everything is alright.

And I also wanted to tell you, that I used lot of time the beautiful tent ( or camping should I say!) we bought in Donastia!

Take care.

Puss puss

Anónimo dijo...

That's quite a nice place huh!!
yope you are getting used to the way of life in the stats v soon. I'm sure that Jo-Se-Ba Joseba will do fine! :D

So how are the americans learning to say your name? We are still better.... aren't we!?

Carlos Tejo dijo...

Josebas, we want photos of the parties!

Have fun! I will visit the ex-enemy of Stats the next week.
