Ostiral goizeann meeting garrantzitsu bat zeola nere edifizioan banekien, jende garrantzitsua zihoala ere, eta Denash nere lankidearentzat marroi "txiki" bat zela ere banekien. Ez nitzan asko arduratu bilera honi buruz nerekin ez zihoalakoan baina... laborategira goizeko 8tan iritsi ta horra hor nere sorpresa. Matilda (nere jefearen secretaria) neregana txarteltxo honekin (argazkia beidatu) konferentzian gonbidatuta neon, momentuan apuro handia... gero lan ez egiteko eskusa bikaina bihurtu zen arren. Egun guztia txarla ezberdinak entzuten egon nitzan, nere jefa 2tan, Jeffersons Lab-eko tipa bat, Stanford unibertsitateko tipo bat ta mexikoko uni bateko beste irakasle bat baita US navyko inbersioen speech bat ere.
Nere jefan txarlak ulertzeko ez nun problemaik izan, hoi bai besteei ez nien putzik ulertu eta ez zan Inglesan kulpa izan, jakingabetasuna baizik. Baina bueno, gosaria ta bazkaria gratis lortu nitun (nere lehen bazkari amerikarra, nazka... ondo gelditzeagatik dena barrura maionesakin noski) ta afaria jefeen etxean zen baina iada gehiegikeria iruditzen zitzaidan asike etxera ta kitto.
Nere laborategia ikustera pasa ziren... ez zidaten galderarik in (a ze zortea nerea!!) ta yasta. Egun originala, haseran akojonoa baina bueno... gero pozik nere karteltxoa neramala bularren kolgauta.
-----------------------------------English Version----------------------
It was Friday morning when they invited me by surprise to a important meeting in my lab. I know that the people that was working with me was invited but I didn´t expect that I was invited until the secretary of my boss came to me with the "invitation card" (see the picture). In that moment I was nervous, important people of the field was there and for the moment my knowledge about Advanced Optical Coating is not enough but anyways I was invited so I spent all the day trying to understand the different conferences I received. There were people from Stanford Uni, Jefferson´s Lab, Mexican Uni and from the US Navy too!( I can´t believe it).
I was able to understand the conference of my boss but I didn´t get anything from the others, the only problem was the lack of knowledge. Anywais I get free breakfast and my first free American lunch (tha was disgusting) but I was in front of important people so I put maionese on it and I ate allmost everyhting. After the conference I was invited to have dinner with all of them in my boss house but that was too much so I decided not to go.
They didn´t ask me anything when they were visiting my lab so the day was perfect for me. I have fun!!
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