Akojonantea!! Lana jeferik gabe stressantea bazan orain... Carmen azaldu da laborategitik (gure responsablea) ta denak lanen a saco daude. Ez dao deskansorako astirik ze bapaten zure laborategian telefonoak jo ta batenbatekin hitzegiteko deitzen dute eta ez nola nahi...
Nik bukatu beharreko proiiektua hilabete batean egin beharreko zeoze zan jefeen ikuspuntutik, gainera laser bat erabili beharrean bi erabiltzea nahi dute (ez da lan doblea baina lan gehiago bai), 5 hilabete daramatzate proiektuan 3 pertsonak a tope lan iten (3tako batek larunbat ta Igande lan iten ditu)ta oraindik ez dute aurrera atera. Jaisten diren bakoitzean gutxi jakin gabe (edo kasi ezer ez) beraien komentarioa botatzen dute, bi begirada bortitz langileei ta alde iten dute. Hola egun guztia laborategi batetik bestera.
Bazkalordua, 45 min. zirela esan dizuet, 45 min. jefeak ez zeundenean da, gaurkoan jatez bukatu det beti bezela hasita ta 15min. hitzegiten geratzeko asmoakin geratu nahiz gendeakin ea bateonbat ezagutzen deten ta... bapaten Carmen (gure jefa) atetik sartu da. Mahaian geunden 8tik 5ek gure jana bukatu degu, 4ak altxa egin dira momentu horretan bertan ta benga lanera, ebidentemente 5. ni nitzan ta jun in naiz noski. Baina cebau!! Jendeari jefa gaizki erortzen zaio, normal...
-----------English version------
That´s amazing, I was surprised because they work a lot while the boss wasn´t in the office but with the boss in the lab, the way people work it´s unbelivable!!! You don´t have time to relax and to talk with the one that is sitting next to you, she (the boss) can call you in any moment and ask you for the results of some research or what are you doing exactly at this moment. Crazy!!!
I am in a project that they estimate It will be finished in one month, they are 3 people working full time on it and after four months and a half they are not able to finish it, but that´s not because they are lazy, it´s just because they are discovering a lot of problems. And the boss is still ungry because they can´t finish it. She just comes to the lab, asks for the results, say something we can correct and she just runs away. Unbelievable!!
And the worst thing, we have to eat in 30 minutes, once you have finished you don´t have another 15 minutes to speak and have fun, once you have finished the food you have to go again to work...
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4 comentarios:
Y nos quejábamos de que nos hacían currar en Tecnun... :P
Poooooooor Joseba
be courageous !!!
Productividad a muerte, literalmente.
Pobre Jonjo, metele el laser por el culo a tu jefa Carmen.
Animo motel, hartuko dezu ohitura, ez zaitez gehiegi estresatu...
Besarkada handi bat
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