domingo, 23 de septiembre de 2007

Rocky Mountains

Bueno azkenean Rocky Mountains-ei bisita, etxetik kanpo in deten lehen irteera... 3 ordu kotxean ta bidai oso polita. Pena eguraldia ez zela oso ona izan Igandean eta 2 orduko paseoa alde batera utzi genula ta arrantza iteko plana ere, hala ere plan oso polita... Mendi plan bikaina!!! 3500 m. ra!!! Hurrengo astean horrelako plan bat montatuko det ziurrenik... asike argazki gehio jarriko ditut.

Argazkitan ikusi dezakezuen bezela, katagorriak, hartzak ta marmotak lasai asko gende arten. Honetaz gain mendi ederrak. Eskiatzeko gogoa sartu zait ta guzti (snow igual).

Argazkitan azaltzen den gendea: Sonia (Española), Francesco eta Barbara (Italianoak) eta Patrice (Frantsesa)

-----------------------------English version-------------------------------------

For those who are wondering about how the Rocky Mountains look like there they have the new. It is my first expedition out of Fort Collins 3 hours by car and it was unbelievable. I slept in a tent and I have a lot of fun. It was a pity that the weather was not good on Sunday so we weren´t able to go hiking to a lake and after fish some throats but anyways It was a great plan. I am thinking that next week I will organize another plan like that, hopefully the weather will be better.

Squirrel-s, elk-s, Bear-s and marmots and incredible landscapes. I am looking forward the snow after seeing that!! This year I want to ski.

The friends of the pictures are (Barbara and Francesco (Italians), Sonia (spanish), and Patrice (French)). It was funny!!

Etxetik atera ta beti hor daude zai--- They are always outside home waiting...

Ezkerretik eskubira: Barbara, Patrice, Francesco ta Sonia--
From left to rigth:

Nun dao marmota???--- Where is the marmot?


Barbacoa ona --- A big barbecue but no fish...

Kontuz hartzekin!!-- Be careful with the bears!! (watch out!!)

Ikaragarria- Awesome!!!

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

heya the pics all look so nice!! The place seems really cool with all those interesting animals (which we don't have down here) The ELK!! i luv it!!

Keep having great fun mate!!

Carlos Tejo dijo...

Great pictures!!!

Awesome place.

Enjoy it!